Clippers Care

Xaverian Clubs and Activities

List of 1 items.

  • Join the Clippers Care Club!

    Clippers Care aims to educate others and raise awareness about mental health, spread respect and positivity, and serve the school and local community.
    Over the past 2 years, we've:
    • Raised over $800 for mental health organizations through bake sales
    • Sent cards to children in hospitals and healthcare heroes
    • Made DIY friendship bracelets and stress balls
    • Spread kindness post-it notes throughout the building
    • Celebrated National Random Acts of Kindness Week and Mental Health Awareness Month
    We’re excited to kick off a new year with our club. All grades 6-12 are welcome! For more information about Clippers Care, please contact the moderator, Ms. Stiglianese (, and follow us on Instagram - @clipperscarexhs.


Established in 1957, Xaverian is one of thirteen schools nationwide sponsored by the Xaverian Brothers.